Are you ready to step into the best version of yourself and start living the life of your dreams?


Life is too short not to live it in alignment. 


Empowered was intentionally created for women who know they were born for more but are unfulfilled in their current reality, with no idea on how to make a change. It has been designed to give you clarity on what your dream life looks like and how to step into the version of you who is living it, using simple daily actions. 

It's time to start living a life you love, your transformation is only 12 weeks away.

Your Transformation:

Live Life In Alignment: Discover your purpose and create a life you love.

Turn Your Dreams Into Your Reality: Map out your limitless dreams and create achievable steps to make it your reality.

Live A Life Of Freedom: Understand why you're feeling stuck and learn the tools to break free.

Become The Best Version Of Yourself: Meet your higher self and learn how to show up as her every single day.

Imagine waking up every day fuelled with joy, excitement, fulfilment and alignment. You are limitless. It's time to claim your freedom and live a life you love.


Is This You?

You don't know what your purpose is and are currently working a job that drains you.

You lack self love and confidence causing you to compare yourself to others.

You set new year's resolutions / goals and never stick to them.

You feel trapped with your current lifestyle and don't know how to make a change.

Your days are filled with stress, negativity and frustrations.

You are frightened to try something new incase it doesn't work.

You always put others before yourself, causing you to run on empty most days.

You never feel like you have time and are always rushing around.

Creating Lasting Transformation, Together


Hey Lovely, I'm Kayleigh.

I wanted to first start by saying that I'm here for you. I know exactly how it feels to live an unfulfilled life and to feel as though you're trapped with no way out.

Four years ago I had no idea what my purpose was, what direction I wanted to go in, how to feel satisfied with my life - I felt completely trapped. At the time there was no way out. 

Since then I have learnt that there is a way, that life doesn't need to feel hard or demoralising. I have learnt that you can be that person who makes your dreams come true. We are all one. 

I have put together Empowered to give you the short cuts to creating your dream life now. I have complied my key learnings from the last four years to save you so much time and pain. 

The most important part of my journey was connecting with like-minded women, to feel seen and heard and to understand that we are all in this together. With Empowered I have created a community so you don't need to feel alone, we are all in this together.

I will be here every step of the way. I believe in you and now it's time for you to start believing in yourself. 

I can't wait to see you in there,

Kayleigh x


Empowered is perfect for you if:

  •  You are someone who is eager for change and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
  • You are ready to learn a new way of living.
  • You are committed to putting the time in to learn and take action.
  • You are open minded and driven.
  • You are ready to invest in yourself.
  • You are not afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
  • You are committed to completing each assignment given to you.
  • You thrive off a community of like-minded people.

Empowered is not for you if:

  • You are someone who has the mentality that they already know everything.
  • You are not ready to learn a new way of living.
  • You believe you don't have time to change your life.
  • You are stuck in your ways and not willing to change.
  • You don't believe you're worthy of the investment.
  • You are happy staying comfortable and not willing to grow.
  • You don't have the intention to take action and want someone else to do it for you.
  • You aren't interested in being apart of a like-minded community.

A Message From Kayleigh...


The Programme



We start off with an introduction to Empowered. We will:

  • Welcome you to Empowered.
  • Share our vision for you. 
  • How to submit questions.
  • Share the community WhatsApp group.
  • Walk you through your Empowered workbook.

Module One

To be able to make a change, it's important to first understand what change needs to be made and deciding what you want your life to look like. We will:

  • Uncover your dreams.
  • Cement your why.
  • Undertake a life audit together diving deep into your current reality and what your future destination is in all areas. 

Module Two

To live a life of passion and fulfilment, you must live life within your purpose so you can wake up every day excited. We will:

  • Teach you how to discover your purpose.
  • Share guidance on how to move forward.

Module Three

Setting goals is really important to keep you on track but it's time to learn to set goals that you will stick to and will achieve. We are also going to get creative and design a vision board that gets the motivation flowing through your body. We will:

  • Teach you how to set goals.
  • Do a visualisation together to assist you with your goal setting.
  • Create a vision board together.
  • Train you how to use Pinterest to assist your vision.

Module Four

Comparing yourself does nothing but leaving you feeling low and frustrated, maybe you feel like you're not good enough. It's time to reframe this feeling and stop the need to compare. We will:

  • Teach you why it's important to focus on yourself and no one else.
  • Give you the tools to implement if you catch yourself comparing.

Module Five

Often no matter how hard you try to make a change, you always end up in the same situation and feeling stuck on the same hamster wheel. It's time to understand why and allow you to start breaking free of old traditions. We will:

  • Teach you why you're feeling stuck and unable to change no matter how hard you try.
  • Discover what beliefs you hold.
  • Rewire your beliefs together to support your dreams.

Module Six

We know where we are heading but being in the moment of getting there can sometimes be confusing, you get side tracked or have so many ideas to implement that you don't know what to do. Connecting with your higher self is going to allow you to ground yourself every day, to receive the guidance on what you need to be doing now to support your goals. We will:

  • Show you how to connect with your higher self.
  • Teach you what scripting is and why it's so important.

Module Seven

A happy and positive life comes from the way we perceive situations and circumstances. Generally the world can be a negative place which can make it tricky to be a positive person. This is what we are going to teach you. We will:

  • Teach you how your self-talk is affecting you.
  • Share tips for self love.
  • Guide you on how to remove unnecessary negativity.
  • Create a high vibe playlist.
  • Share the importance of self care.
  • Train you how to reframe your perception of negative situations.

Module Eight

You need to get uncomfortable to get comfortable. We will:

  • Teach you why you need to feel the fear to support your dream.

Module Nine

It's time to find your motivation and keep it flowing! We will:

  • Show you how motivation is created.
  • Create your freedom list together.
  • Show you how to prioritise your tasks.
  • Share how rewarding yourself will support your transformation.

Module Ten

Starting your day as you mean to go on. A morning routine is so important as it's the guide to the rest of your life. We will:

  • Teach you why a morning routine is so important.
  • Create your morning routine with you.

Module Eleven

Time freedom is right around the corner. We will:

  • Take you through a time audit.
  • Teach you how organisation is going to change your life.
  • Teach you how to time block.

Module Twelve

Your learnings are complete and now it's time to take your next steps:

  • Empowered Growth.
  • Become an affiliate.


In addition you will receive the following bonuses:

  • Universal Laws guide to support your journey.
  • 30 day action plan to set you up for success.
  • Your Perfect Day Meditation.
  • Future Self Meditation.
  • Vision Board Visualisation Meditation.
  • Financial Abundance Meditation.
  • Morning Journal Prompts.
  • Gratitude Audio.
  • Habit Tracker to hold you accountable.
  • EFT tapping to reduce anxiety.
  • Vision Board Templates for desktop and mobile.
  • Community WhatsApp Group.
  • Weekly Q&A's

Kayleigh's Transformation



I have always just gone with the flow because I had no idea on the direction I was heading. When I was a child if I did have a dream I was always told that it would never happen, so I listened and never even tried.

Ever since I remember I never felt happy with my appearance. I always had acne which made me so self conscious but also I never felt happy with my body regardless of the weight on the scales. There was always someone who has better than me so I would spend my time looking at them feeling jealousy and wishing I looked like them.

I literally felt so trapped in every single area and I just didn't know how to break free. Since the age of 18 I always felt like I had to live life according to society, it made me so unhappy. I always told people I was saving for a house deposit (because that's what you're taught to do?!) and instead I stopped myself from experiencing life because I felt the pressure that money should go towards a house when I never had any intention of saving. Instead I got myself in a debt spiral.

I often laid awake at night filled with anxiety about an event I would play over and over in my head that happened years ago! Or if I've had a really nice time with my friends, I would walk away and suddenly panic that they are upset with me - for no reason! 

My days were just filled with stress, frustration and upset most of the time. 


Since applying my learnings over the last four years, I finally have so much clarity on what my purpose is in life and all the dreams that I want to achieve.

For the first time, I have full body confidence which started from switching my mindset, learning how to create goals that I can achieve and putting in the simple actions to get me there. After a lifetime of body worries I had achieved my goal within two months! The result from my body confidence has impacted my personality allowing me to grow and be a lot more confident in myself. 

My perception of life has completely flipped, instead of focusing on the negative of a situation I am able to understand that it's happening in my favour and have learnt to work out what the lessons are behind it. 

I have learnt to accept that just because society makes us feel like we should all live our life in the same way, it's okay to break free and be different, to just be authentic to your timeline. Since realising that I didn't actually want to buy a house, I have felt free. I can live my life in a way that serves me.

I was able to clear the anxiety that was keeping me awake at night and if it does ever rear its head, I have the tools to easily clear it so that it doesn't take over me.

My days are intentional and filled with joy, life is working for me and I am excited to see where it leads me.


Empowered is currently closed, join the waitlist to be the first to hear when we launch!