About Limitless Lifestyle

Hello, I'm Kayleigh

A bit about me

I am 28, an Aries, currently living in the United Kingdom with my partner, however we have a goal to move to Dubai when the time feels right.

I am a major foodie and coffee lover. My ideal evening is spent in my pyjamas after having a nice bath and skincare under a blanket, my candles lit, watching a movie with my partner and a bag of Malteser's.

Personal Growth, mindfulness and spiritual woo-woo are my true passions which is why I created Limitless Lifestyle.

I really enjoyĀ going for walks in the sunshine, listening to the birds singing, especially by water as it's a tranquil place for me. I am introverted so really enjoy spending time alone at home but equally enjoy exploring and travelling the world.



My story &Ā why I created Limitless Lifestyle

When I was a child, I had so many dreams. My main one was to become a fashion designer. I would always be designing dresses and pursued Textiles through GCSEs and A-Levels. When it came time to take the next step into adulthood, I expressed my desire to attend a fashion university in London to my family. However, one family member dismissed the idea due to the expense, while another told me there was no point in trying because others were better than me. Discouraged, I didn't even research universities.

As a young teen, I also dreamed of owning a hotel, a zoo, and a Ferrari. These ambitions were laughed off, and the Ferrari was met with a definitive "you will never have one."

Facing all these pushbacks, I decided it was easier not to try and to just find a job, as that's what people do. At 18, I went full-time at what used to be my Saturday job as a retail assistant. I was then invited to join a recruitment agency as an administrator, which led to a role as a recruitment consultant by age 20.

At 21, I changed roles to my current position (with the vision to leave when the time is right and work with my business full-time). I started as an administrator in the finance department, gradually becoming a finance assistant and now a finance business partner.

Although I progressed at a young age, I wasn't passionate about my work. I knew there was more to life than just showing up to a job because it's what people do. I tried a few network marketing businesses as side hustles, thinking they were my path to freedom, but they drained my energy and didn't align with who I am.

My journey shifted when I began learning about personal development, mindset, manifestation, and the Universal Laws. The electricity that surged through me was incredible; I had finally found my passion. Since discovering this in 2021, my perspective on life has transformed. My days, how I see myself, and how I use my time have all changed. I can truly say that my life has improved in such a positive way.

This transformation inspired me to create Limitless Lifestyle. I'm here to show you that there is more to life than your current reality. We don't have to follow society's script. I believe we get one life (and if there are more, we won't know until this one is over), so we must live it aligned with our soul. We all have a purpose on this Earth; it's about finding it and taking action.

Your external reality is a direct reflection of your internal reality. I'm here to teach you how to change that, develop a strong mindset that supports your dreams, and become the version of yourself who is already living the life you desire. I'll guide you in finding your purpose without wasting years and in healing yourself to let go of the past.

I do this through simple and subtle daily habits designed to support you, relieving the overwhelm of making changes. Personal development has no end destination; there's always room to grow, one comfort zone at a time. I'll be with you every step of the way. You'll find free resources on my website, as well as courses designed to help you gain clarity, deepen your understanding, and create the life you deserve.

Live life for you, nobody else.

P.S. You won't find me on social media as it doesn't feel aligned with me, but please drop me an email if you want to connect. I'd love to hear from you.

Kayleigh x